Wepco Plastics

Fishing For Motivation; Here’s Where I Found It

At some point in time, I think everyone has a ‘Monday morning’ moment: the moment of overwhelming demotivation, trudging back into work after a lunch break, or after an insufficient amount of sleep. I spent weeks fumbling over this idea, specifically how to counteract its prolonged effects. As I watched coworkers languidly complete tasks at the beginning of the week, I hatched theory after theory of how I might be able to inject some passion and urgency into their workweek. While the carrot and stick approach can be effective in specific circumstances, its long term effects are negative, with diminishing returns when used repeatedly. Additionally, after an over-exuberant scolding, it seems the air throughout the entire plant thickens; movements are slowed, voices are silenced, and the usual buzz that you’d expect from a group working harmoniously is stifled. A similar reaction occurs after uneven rewards are given, specifically if any one employee perceives bias.

The largest breakthrough during my internal struggle came from a coworker who regularly managed to lift spirits and encourage efficiency. Looking back, I saw his effect in the same way that a single flower blends into a garden. I had not appreciated how relevant his actions were to my current conundrum, and it was only when he asked me for a favor that I finally started to see the already budding solution to ‘Monday morning’ moments. He approached me after our first fifteen-minute break, asking me to collect the entire shift at the end of the lunch break, and extend lunch another 5 minutes. His excitement clearly bubbled to the surface as we squeezed out of the main door to talk away from curious ears, and he practically boiled over while explaining his idea of re-entering the shop in the same way that a professional basketball team takes the court. I agreed with hesitation, mainly for concern of how much time it would take, and even if it didn’t take long, it would seem like a vast waste of time to my superiors. I decided to give it a shot though, on the off chance it could pull the team out of the current slump that everyone seemed to be lingering in. Lunch came, and my coworker was prepared with a pre-recorded entrance announcement that we played over a Bluetooth speaker. After the last employee was announced into the shop over the Chicago Bulls entrance music, productivity and positivity soared. The positive effects that our five-minute ‘team building exercise’ had on the team didn’t seem to fade in the slightest until after the following week. He then maintained the energy with recorded midday announcements over his speaker, with similar music.

These silly events changed my perspective in such a way that I will never view management the same. Monday morning slumps are a small hiccup, which can easily be affected with a little bravery and sometimes goofiness. Maintaining team morale is a role that I have forever added to my idea of an effective manager, and as I continue to contemplate the struggles that our company deals with on a regular basis, I pause to consider how morale can be affected by my decisions and delivery. Maybe I put too much stock in morale, but I think it’s something everyone should consider in some small way as they grow in their career; I have personally seen a beautiful change in atmosphere when morale was addressed directly.


Industry Highlights and Colleague Recognition: engage further on the topic of motivation with The Manufacturing Alliance podcast featuring Mold Making Technolgy and Plastikos.

